What Is Shinrin-yoku or Forest Bathing? 

You know nature’s benefits, mood lifting, energy boosting, relaxing.  

Shinrin-yoku originated in Japan, Shinrin means “forest,” yoku “bath”. The practice focuses on consciously using your senses to absorb, take in and literally “bathe” in nature. Immediate effects; lower anxiety and stress, a contemplative mood and improved sense of overall wellness.  

Not hiking or running, a leisurely walk, or stroll in nature lets you to mindfully focus with your senses. Watch the sun reflecting on water, listen to the wind in the trees, a bird singing. Smell fresh grass, flowers, or inhale the minerality of wet stones. Sense the soft sand underfoot, touch the texture of a tree’s rough bark or smooth leaves.   

By consciously using your senses Shinrin-yoku lets you unplug from your daily routine i.e., technology narrowing the gap with nature. Scientists recorded benefits are better quality sleep, increased energy, improved cardiovascular and respiratory function & lower blood pressure. 

Eager for a new experience, we tried forest bathing at the Chicago Botanic Garden. As we walked through different areas, trained Forest Therapist, Sally graciously guided us to mindfully use our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, and feet to absorb the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations. Relaxed, we ended with a tea of local honey, native elderberry, white pine needles and indigenous plants.  No forest nearby? A local garden, park or backyard with trees will do. As you transition into a new season, take time to let go to relish the feel, sights, sounds & scents of nature!      

To Discover More  https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/health-wellness/healtharticle.what-is-forest-bathing