Kandi's Spring Sprouts

Need Flavor for Your Spring Dishes? 

Alfalfa, broccoli and beets, mung beans and more, sprouts are micro-plants from germinated seeds. Light and crunchy, they are delicious in eggs, salads, stir-fry or wraps, any plant with edible leaves or stems can be sprouted. An excellent source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, sprouts are easy to grow in a jar requiring little light and limited space. Our colleague Kandi is already sprouting with tasty results, follow her sprouting steps:


  • Seeds of your choosing 

  • Wide-mouth jar 

  • Cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer 

Grow Sprouts in a Jar 

  1. Add about a tablespoon of seeds to your jar. These seeds can be Broccoli, Alfalfa, Radish, or Mung Beans. Soak seeds in the jar overnight.

  2. Drain the water. 

  3. Rinse the seeds with fresh water and drain the water a few times. Placed the jar upside down in a bowl and allow the residual water to drain out.  

  4. Repeat step three every 8 to 12 hours daily.  

  5. In 3 to 8 days, your homegrown sprouts are ready to be harvested.  . 

Helpful Hints  

  • Sprouts grow with little to no light. Too much light may produce more bitter-tasting sprouts.  

  • Only use seeds specifically for sprouting. These seeds are chemical-free and clean. Check your garden store or seed catalog.