Unleashing Our Inner Forager!

Foraging is acquiring food by hunting, fishing, or gathering edible vegetation. Growing in popularity since 2020, many urban foragers “hunt” for plants or edible mushrooms outside. Eager to enjoy a fall day and curious to learn more, my dear friend Kim and I joined Dave, a professional forager. Our scavenger hunt in the “wild” let us discover native berries, herbs, flowers, fruits & veggies, nuts, trees, and microgreens!

At least 50 common edible/medicinal herbs and plants can be found in backyard gardens. As beginners we learned what plant parts are edible and in what season, how to apply to the skin for healing purposes, and use the remainder for cordage. Dave reminded us to sample and rinse a small amount before applying or consuming. Correctly identifying a safe plant is crucial prior to sampling, yet a lot of common vegetation is edible; asparagus, corn, dandelions, milkweed, mint, onions, roses, spruce tree tips, thistle & wheat. A field guide or reference book with photos relevant to your habitat is essential. Forage responsibly, taking only what you need, and letting vegetation replenish. 

Unlike our distant ancestors who foraged out of necessity, we won’t become full-time gatherers. Yet slowing down to listen and observe our immediate environment gave us an even greater appreciation of Mother Nature’s fall treasures! 

Do you have any experience foraging? We'd love to hear what you found! 

To learn more:

