Shop, Save & Support!

Shop, Save & Support! Local markets, Community Sponsored Agriculture-CSA’s, or small businesses for in season produce & local specialties!

Here are 5 TAKEAWAY Tips 

  1. Do the Walk-Preview a market for what’s available & what prices. Look for signage indicating certified organic producers or sustainable sellers with approved 3rd party certification (USDA Organic) or growers who adhere to participatory guarantee systems (PGS). 

  2. Buy in bulk or split it-Save on extra pints of blue berries and freeze for later. Or split a bushel of corn with your neighbor.   

  3. Cash & Carry-As vendors pay higher credit card fees, many offer discounts for cash or via payment app.s, savings for both of you. 

  4. Follow Your farmer-Or favorite vendor on social for exclusive offers & deals. 

  5. Stop & Shop-Taking a road trip? Stop at community markets for fresh fruit & local specialties. Check this link while on the road.