Celebrating Salad!

We love celebrating National Salad Month! Like salads? Read on for healthy tips & tricks!

Salads taste better with a combination of flavors and textures, look no further than your backyard veggies or at the farmer’s markets for fresh, healthy additions:

Fruit-Naturally sweet, thinly sliced strawberries, quartered peaches and nectarines or antioxidant rich blue berries complement savory ingredients.

Veggies-Cool and slice grilled corn, eggplant, mushrooms, peppers, or zucchini for added color and taste.

Nuts-Shop your pantry for almonds, pine nuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds or walnuts. Toast them lightly for fragrant flavor and extra crunch.

Love ‘Em Tender-Collard greens, kale, mustard & Swiss chard can be fibrous & tough. Massage the leaves 3-5 minutes, remove the bitter tasting stalks, then marinate the leaves in fresh lemon, sea salt and olive oil. The lemon, olive oil and salt soften and tenderize the greens for a delectable salad.

Umami-The 5th taste sensation known for its’ super savory profile. Shop your refrigerator for protein packed, tasty, aged cheddar, fresh feta, goat, gouda, or parmesan cheese.

Dress-If using a premade dressing, add right before serving to avoid sogginess. Oil & Vinegar? Use extra virgin olive oil & balsamic vinegar; add sea salt first, then vinegar, the vinegar dissolves salt. Finish by slowly whisking in the olive oil. Any dressing should lightly coat not drench the salad.

Helpful hints:

· Add veggie peels, scraps and stalks to broth or compost.

· Soak red or yellow onions in ice water to take the bite (sulfur compounds) out before chopping or slicing, while keeping them crisp.

· Sauté leftover greens for tasty side dish at dinner.

Why not arugula, artichokes, smoky feta, Persian cucumbers & toasted pine nuts?

Even non-salad eaters love avocado, grilled corn & raspberries with mixed greens!

Adrienne’s super salad using fresh greens, crispy cucumber & sweet red onion!

Sue’s massaged kale salad with tomatoes & parmesan cheese!

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