Meet Karen Glennemeier
Last summer I was fortunate to meet with Karen Glennemeier. An accomplished biologist and ecologist, Karen examines and restores Chicago area forests, prairies, and wetlands. A dedicated conservationist she has worked with the Audubon Society and the Chicago, John G. Shedd Aquarium.
Her 20+ years’ experience and knowledge led her to found Habitat Research and Habitat Help. Partnering with local governments and organizations to create outdoor native habitat gardens, environments, and landscapes.
Why Go Native?
Local bushes, plants and trees act as rain and stormwater pollution filters for cleaner water, to fortify and stabilize soil. Their flowers, foliage and fruit are crucial food for local animals, bees, birds, butterflies, and pollinators. This healthy ecosystem promotes ideal conditions for regional fauna and flora to truly thrive, a tangible win for both the environment and people.
As people remained home during the pandemic, many rediscovered the joy of gardening. Unsure where to start, what to plant and how to maintain their gardens people turned to Karen for assistance. From this need, Habitat Help Landscaping emerged for both small and large spaces.
Karen shared her passion for environmental conservation, her career in science and biology. Natural ecosystems in Chicago and changes people can make to create a more harmonious outdoor environment no matter what size. To learn more visit and