Montespertoli Vineyard Update


After a “normal” winter season, a mild and warmer than usual March and early April, our winemakers the Nesi family, were optimistic about the season with Sangiovese vine shoot growth and early budding. 

However, as Italy emerged from their 3rd lock down with an Easter and Passover stay at home order from the federal government, central Tuscany, including the Montespertoli vineyard suffered from intensely cold nights and frost damage. The nocturnal cold spell April 6th-8th brought strong winds and temperatures as low 19˚F.  While the vines on hill slopes were protected, frost affected the lower valley areas, where colder air settled and literally “insta- froze” the soil and vines. This kind of damage during a crucial growth stage can cause the vines to completely dry up. To raise temperatures in and around the vines, each night, large burning hay bales were scattered to keep temperatures above freezing and prevent further frost damage to the soil and the vines.  

Luca knows surprises from Madre Natura-Mother Nature, are to be expected yet the extreme temperatures are a result of climate change. While many of the vines were through budbreak, but not yet flowering, time will tell the exact impact, the loss of fruit and the overall health of the vineyard to be evaluated.  

Fortunately, the weather has improved with no further surprises from Mother Nature, as such Luca, Babbo Ferruccio and the family accept diligent, daily care as part of being an organic certified winemakers and farmers. 

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